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Remarkable Women: Emma Baxter - Balancing Family, Farm, and Law

Remarkable Women: Emma Baxter - Balancing Family, Farm, and Law

Meet Emma Baxter, a family lawyer, hobby farmer, and devoted mother of five residing in the hinterlands of Byron Bay, on the east coast of Australia.

With her husband, Andrew, and their children, Emma balances the demanding worlds of legal practice and farm life, all while nurturing a close-knit family on their 14-acre property. Through her work and her lifestyle, Emma embodies resilience, dedication, and an inspiring connection to nature.

In this edition of Remarkable Women, we delve into Emma's lifestyle, her insights on motherhood, and her unique approach to balancing multiple roles with grace and compassion.



Can you share a bit about the experience of raising children on a farm? What do typical days at home look like for you and your children?

Emma: I grew up outdoors and I had always hoped that my children would also have the opportunity to enjoy nature, wildlife, and the freedom that land brings. We have 14 acres on our farm and my dad has taught the children lots of bush skills like identifying which native plants and berries they can eat and which are poisonous. And also which reptiles and animals to be cautious of. They all respect a fire and are able to cook a meal whether it be breakfast of bacon and eggs or damper for afternoon tea. I also wanted my children to grow up with a love for animals. My parents used to read me a book called ‘Emma Jane’s Zoo’ when I was little and I always said I would grow up to own a zoo, which I have now made a reality.

We have three horses, 30 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 cats, birds, rabbits, and what we thought was a miniature pig.

Our children also have an appreciation and understanding of where their food comes from and are learning to accept the circle of life.

Queenie (left) wears the Sunday Dress, Forget Me Not print
Elsie (right) wears the Field Dress, Forget Me Not print 


I know you are a “fashion lover”, do any of your children share in this passion? How do you encourage your daughters to explore their unique style?

Emma: I do love fashion and the way that it allows me to express myself. My mother and her mother, my grandmother, have always been very stylish with my mum making a lot of her own dresses, so I have had wonderful role models in this space. They have taught me quality over quantity, so I have learnt to invest in special pieces that I can wear forever. My daughters and son have all developed their own sense of style and they are all very different, which I encourage. My eldest Charlotte, who is 9, prefers to dress in a practical way so she is comfortable but looks nice. My son Jack, who is 8, loves to wear a jacket and pocket square when we go out for dinner. Bella, who is 5, enjoys wearing beautiful dresses for dinners but is just as comfortable in bike pants, while Queenie, 4, and Elsie, 2, are still in their ‘princess phase’.

I can imagine work as a lawyer must be quite stressful at times. Do you find it difficult to shift between your life at home and your life at work? How do you find the balance?


Being a lawyer in the Family Law space can be very stressful at times but also rewarding when you are able to gently guide clients through an extremely emotional time in their life.

In relation to the balance, I think I am still perfecting the balance between work, family, and farm life! I find that sitting down on a Sunday night and reviewing the week ahead helps me to be able to utilise each day effectively and schedule in the children’s extra-curricular activities and work around that. I also have a very supportive husband, parents, and sister who help with the children and the farm when there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day! At the start of the year, we also had two wonderful girls start with us to help me with the children (and lunch boxes) when I need to be in two places at once. I think a great support network is hugely valuable at this stage in my life. At the moment, each day looks different and I have learned to go with the flow and pivot quickly when plans change if the kids get sick, etc.

Where do you feel most connected with nature? Describe your perfect scene.

Emma: My favourite time on the farm and where I feel most connected to nature is in the afternoon when the sun is setting and the day is cooling down. We might be walking around the farm with the dogs and cats following us or we might be at the playground, and all you can hear are the birds singing, as if we are in our own private aviary.

Can you tell us about a moment when you felt most proud of yourself in the role of a mother?

Emma: I think it is hard to pinpoint one moment having five children and every birth was very special, but

I think I feel most proud when I am able to gently encourage and support my kids through something that they feel they cannot achieve.

What challenges have you faced as a mother, and what valuable lessons have they taught you?

Emma: I think the biggest challenge as a mother for me has been going through any health issues that the children have faced. You have such little control but have to remain strong to support them and assure them that everything will be okay.

Queenie (left) wears the Honey Blouse and Fleur Skirt, olive gingham
Bella (right) wears the Honey Blouse and Fleur Skirt, pink polka


What core values do you hope to instil in your daughters as they grow?

Emma: First and foremost, I try to instil the importance of kindness in my children. I also teach them to value family and each other and to have confidence in themselves. I also show them the importance of being gentle on the environment through processes on the farm.

We love to hear about family traditions (both big and small) that are particularly meaningful to you and your children. Can you share one or two that come to mind?

Emma: We have a few family traditions such as camping and travelling overseas together, and wearing the same pyjamas on Christmas and Easter, but I think my favourite tradition is the night before one of the kids' birthdays. All the other siblings work together to blow up balloons, bake a cake, wrap presents, write cards, and lay out the gifts while the birthday girl/boy waits in their room. They all put so much time and effort and take so much pride in making sure every detail is perfect to celebrate their sibling's special day.

Finally, do you have any advice for mothers navigating the different stages of raising daughters?

Emma: I have loved every stage of raising my children so far and appreciate Charlotte, my eldest, for helping me to navigate motherhood.

My advice would be to trust your instincts and spend as much time with your children as you can. The days are long but the years are short.


Emma's journey as a dedicated mother, resilient professional, and nurturing family member is nothing short of inspiring. Her ability to balance a demanding career with the joys and challenges of raising five children on a farm is a testament to her resourcefulness and compassion.

Through Emma's words, we are reminded of the strength, love, and dedication that define motherhood in its many forms. These traits, combined with her appreciation and care for the environment, are exemplary of a truly remarkable woman.

You can find Emma on Instagram @the.simple.motherhood


Outfit links:

Feature Image (left to right)

Queenie wears the Sunday Dress, caramel check
Elsie wears the Briar Dress, white

Second Image (left to right)

Queenie wears the Sunday Dress, Forget Me Not print
Elsie wears the Field Dress, Forget Me Not print 

Third Image (left to right)

Queenie wears the Honey Blouse and Fleur Skirt, olive gingham
Bella wears the Honey Blouse and Fleur Skirt, pink polka

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Come into the Sunshine with Amelia Fullarton

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Images by Amelia Fullarton

Arlo wears Honey Blouse and Pansy Shorts

Agnes wears Field Dress 

Ottilie wears Petal Dress

Una wears Lark Blouse and Lark Bloomers


September 10, 2021 — ainslie hutchinson
Latesha Bryant + HERstory

Latesha Bryant + HERstory


Latesha Bryant, founder of HERstory Photography Studio is a mother with a determination to make a difference. With the goal of giving children of color a platform to be seen in the fashion industry, Latesha has built a business on shooting her daughter and friends in brands they love with the hopes of bringing about more diversity in the range of models used. With a focus on body positivity and self love, Latesha is giving young girls in Louisiana and throughout the country, the opportunity to see themselves represented in an industry where ethnic diversity is so often lacking. We admire the work Latesha is doing so much that we wanted to sit down and find out a little more about this amazing woman, her family and the way this incredible venture came about.



You live in beautiful Louisiana. A place we admittedly don’t know much about! What can you tell us about your home state? What do you love about living in here and can you ever see yourself living somewhere else?

Louisiana. I was born and raised here. If you were to visit, you'd immediately fall in love with the food and the southern hospitality and charm! We treat everyone like a big family here and it's one of the things that I absolutely love about my home state. At heart, I'm a west coast or Pacific Northwest girl. I love Los Angeles so much and every time I visit, I can see myself living there more and more. The Pacific Northwest (Oregon or Washington) are both so beautiful. The scenery would draw any creative in, I think. I can see myself just being comfortable there and at peace. 


You started your photography career as a birth photographer. How did the transition to the work you do now come about?

I first picked up my camera when my now 5-year-old daughter Olivia was born. The more I shot, the more I fell in love. It was actually something that I never expected. Fast forward to January 2018. I had spent many years practicing, and just teaching myself the basic fundamentals of photography. In August of 2018, I started shooting Olivia with her friends and cousins (Ava, Felicity, & Hailey). It was the beginning of black girl magic and also the beginning of me knowing my purpose. I later added Mckenna and Mya to my line-up of girls and knew that was my team. I started getting paid bookings which really encouraged me. I knew that I wanted change in what our girls see in the media. They need positivity and encouraging words OFTEN! I knew that through them, and my work is how I would have to make a statement and an impact. I do believe that an impact has been made but I want to make it on a larger scale, and I believe I can do that. 


As mother to three children as well as having a full time corporate job, how do you maintain a good balance between work and family? What types of things do you do together as a family and what does down time look like for you?

I honestly have no earthly idea how I do all of what I do! As a wife and mother of 3 that also works 40hours per week I don't know how I do it but I know it gets done! We love to travel together as a family and board games are life! We play games often as a means of normalcy away from the craziness that is life. My husband has a rigorous work schedule and now that the kids are back in school, setting a day aside to have family night is what we have to do. Downtime for us is everybody in bed, reading, watching tv and making an easy dinner. 

Most of your photographs feature your daughter and her friends. We would imagine most of the girls would be old enough to understand the work you are doing. It sounds like you have become somewhat of a mentor to these girls. Do you speak to them about your desire to change representation of children of color in the fashion industry? How much or little do they know about your motivations for the business and what do they think about the representation of children of color in the media?

All of the girls I work with are between four and five years old. I'd say in some ways I have become a mentor. I've talked to them about their hair and why they should love it. I’ve talked to them about their skin and how it’s beautiful no matter what anyone says! The most important thing that I do for them is try to make them feel beautiful! It is so important to start building self-esteem at a young age! They don't know much about my movement because I've focused so much on them understanding that the physical part of them is beautiful. There used to be a time where some of the girls would cry about wearing their afro. They don't cry anymore, and I think it’s because every time they wore it, they were reminded of how beautiful they are. I intend to delve deeper into that subject with them.



You’ve stated that it’s your passion to help brown girls be seen in an industry where they are largely underrepresented. Do you have any plans to expand this mission to include other marginalised groups? 

 I currently have two Asian models and two Mexican models! It is definitely my plan to expand to include more marginalized groups including brown children with disabilities as well.

It looks like the girls have a lot of fun shooting with you! What does a typical shoot look like? Do the girls have preferences about what they wear and how you style them? What methods do you use to ensure they feel comfortable in front of the camera?

The girls always have a blast at shoots! As for styling, I pick out all of their outfits. I try to teach them to be happy and make the best of whatever pieces they get to shoot. A typical shoot consists of no more than 3 outfit changes though in some instances, we have shot five outfits! I try to make the shoots fun and interactive. The parents are extremely helpful and will help get them dressed and keep them on track during the shoots making sure I have their attention. I sometimes give the girls prompts but a lot of the time I just capture them being their normal selves, which to me is gold. I believe just allowing the girls to be themselves, helps them be comfortable in front of the camera. When I first started working with Mckenna she was really shy and quiet but the energy from the other girls really lifted her up and she now feels comfortable in front of the camera just being herself.



On that note, you work with a wide range of brands with a variety of different styles and varying price points. Does your personal style preference come into play when selecting brands to work with? 

 My personal style does not affect the shops that I will work with. I want brown girls to be seen in a variety of styles! Other little girls of color need to see this! They need to see brown girls in high end brands as well as low end brands. This is important to me and it’s my mission. 

What drives you to get up every day and do what you do? What would you like your legacy to be? 

Knowing that mentally/emotionally the brown women in my community are struggling because of what society tells them about themselves, that is reason enough for me to get up every morning and work on my purpose. I believe this mental and emotional preparation for greatness should start early! Build them up when they are young and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I want other little girls to see Olivia, Felicity, Ava, Hailey, McKenna & Mya and say " That brown girl is doing it and so can I". 


Olivia wears Field Dress in Bone Stripe  and Nomad Sandals in Hunter

Ava wears Greta Dress in Hunter Check and Sol Slides in Tan

Photography by Latesha Bryant 

August 23, 2019 — ainslie hutchinson
Elaina, Quincy + Rowe

Elaina, Quincy + Rowe

We admire Los Angeles based mother, Elaina Bellis for so many reasons. Daughter of a photographer and now wife to one, the former model turned art director is a shining example of grace and strength and a source of daily inspiration for many mothers across the globe. We sat down to chat with Elaina about living in the city of dreams, her Autumnal rituals and motherhood in the face of the loss of her son, Lincoln.

Describe the allure of raising a family in LA. Have you always lived here and is there anywhere else you’d consider living?

James grew up in LA, and his a big part of his family lives here. I've lived in LA for nearly 13 years, so it feels like home to me too. The only other place I would consider moving to is Lincoln, Vermont. It's where James and I met almost 8 years ago, and it holds a very special place in our hearts. We love Vermont.

Its Fall in Los Angeles right now. What does this season mean for your family? Are there any must do’s in Los Angeles for kids in the Fall?

I LOVE fall. It finally starts to cool down a bit in LA, but not crazy cold, perfectly cool outside. I love to cook so fall means lots of soups, and warm meals. Pumpkin spiced foods, and apples! We love to be outside in nature with the kids and there are so many beautiful hiking trails to see! I would love to take the girls apple picking.

You are the mother to toddler twin girls and a beautiful baby boy up with the stars. You have shown tremendous strength and courage throughout your motherhood journey so far. Did you always want to be a mother? What has motherhood taught you about yourself?

I am the proud mother of 3, yes :) Thank you for remembering our sweet boy. I've always dreamt of being a mother, more so then being a bride or what my wedding day would look like. It was always fantasizing about motherhood. I had an incredible mother, who made life so much fun and had she so much warmth . Motherhood has taught me to let go of expectation. Lincoln was the biggest teacher for me in letting go, and it's still something that comes up for me with the girls. Not having any sort of expectation and just being completely present.

Is self-care something you make time for? Any rituals or routines in your day to day?

YES! I need to move my body at least 3 days a week to stay sane. I give gratitudes all day long since finding time to meditate is hard to do with twin toddlers. I fall asleep every night going over everything i am grateful for, and wake up every morning doing the same. It keeps me happy and in a positive mind set. I eat really healthy (with some slices of cheese pizza and a pint of ice cream mixed in when it comes close to that time of the month ;)

Tell us about your girls, Quincy & Rowe. In what ways are they similar and are there any striking differences in personality or otherwise?

My sweet girls. They are so different! I'll start with Rowe- she is the most thoughtful, caring, loving little lady. She really takes everything in and observes all situations and people. She's a feeler and a lover. Quincy is too, but she's a rascal. She is my silly snuggly lady. Life of the party, Knows she's hilarious and will laugh at her own jokes! The two of them LOVE each other and are the best of buds. Always checking to make sure the other one is ok and nearby. I joke that they sound like 90 year old women bickering back and forth all day long.

Is there a story behind your children’s names?

Rowe James I picked. Rowe I just thought of out of nowhere, but I believe it is a last name. James is her daddy name. Quincy Kay - James picked. His late aunt was named Quincy and it's also my hometowns name. Kay was my mothers middle name and we wanted to honor her in one of the girls name so we went with kay!

You have a background in styling and art direction. What’s important to you when investing in pieces for your/ your family’s wardrobe? Do you have any non-negotiables when it comes to dressing yourself and your girls?

Comfort! I am a less is more kind of girl. I don't want to fuss with any sort of "extra" something. I love wearing jumpsuits, and high waisted pants with a white t. I wear white ALL the time. People think i'm crazing wearing white with two year old twins, but it makes me feel really beautiful.

Do you have a favourite piece from the Daughter Somewhere collection and why do you love it?

The Inca romper. It's easy, and effortlessly cute!

Elaina wears - James Jumpsuit in Earth and Night

Quincy and Rowe wear- Mara Dress, Georgia Pantsuit, Inca Romper, Kip Trousers and Joni Tee

Photography by James Branaman

October 22, 2018 — Ainslie Hutchinson
Tags: LA muses